Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Next Step

We have been overwhelmed by the willingness to give, not only by our friends and family, but also by complete strangers.  It is encouraging to watch God's hand at work through individuals that we have come in contact with!  Thank you.

After only about one week we are just about ready to deliver what we have gathered.  Although we originally thought we would be helping the young woman and her daughter who we previously mentioned, we have been unable to get in touch with her caseworker.  Therefore, we have committed to a woman who has known for several months that she has ovarian cancer.  The tumor that is currently growing inside of her body weighs 5 pounds.  She has been unable to schedule the surgery to remove the tumor because she did not have a bed to recover on, as she is currently sleeping on a comforter.

We are excited to report that we will be delivering her new bed to her later this week!  We will also be delivering other pieces of furniture as well as some items to help her decorate and really make her finally feel at home.

This is only the beginning, and we can hardly wait to see how God will move next!

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19

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