Sunday, March 3, 2013


On Friday, March 4th, four members of The Council from The House of Light gathered the donations and our strength and headed out to "Jane's" apartment.  We packed up the truck, the mini-van, and the Subaru, prayed together, and set out to deliver the furniture.
We were blessed right away by Jane and her case worker from The Family Tree.  She was the sweetest woman who was beyond thankful and choked up on multiple occasions.
Jane's new "Pretty Bathroom".  She loved that everything matched and it finally looked beautiful.
In addition to the Lazy-Boy Recliner that was graciously donated for Jane's cancer recovery, we brought over a kitchen table and chairs.  The space was tight, and it was amazing how it fit perfectly!  We were able to drop down one of the sides to that it lay flush against the wall.  Jane loved it, and donated her two kitchen chairs that she had for us to bless another woman with!
The first thing we moved in...the bed!  For the past 5 months, since Jane first moved into her apartment from the shelter, she had been sleeping on the floor.  She could not have the 5 pound cancerous tumor removed from her ovary because she would not be able to get up from the floor, or down for that matter.  Rachel, one of The Council members, has been blessed with the gift of sewing.  She graciously made this duvet cover and pillow for Jane's new bed.  Jane kept running her hand over her bed saying, "I can't believe this is mine!  Is this really for me?" 
Only four of us were able to make it on Friday, but every single one of The Council played a very important role in getting us ready for this day.  Throughout our journey, you will meet each one of us, and we are looking forward to what the future holds.

Before we left, Brandy explained to Jane that we are a faith-based group of moms who felt like it was time to do something more in our community.  Sonya had brought along a new Bible and a copy of the Jesus Calling devotional for Jane to keep.  We then asked if it would be alright if we prayed for her, and she graciously accepted.

It was a very powerful morning, and we were all moved by Jane and her willingness to allow us into her home.  She was appreciative and excited.  We were able to leave a few donated meals for her as well.  Her surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, March 5th.  Please keep her in your prayers as her doctors learn what stage her cancer is and how they will move forward with her treatment options.

Here is a list of what you helped bless Jane with:
  • Bed Frame
  • Box Spring
  • Mattress
  • Sheets
  • Pillows
  • Duvet and Cover
  • Dresser
  • Shower Curtain
  • Matching Bathroom Accessories
  • Personal Hygiene Items
  • Kitchen Table and 2 Chairs
  • Lazy-Boy Recliner
  • Standing Lamp
  • Welcome Mat
  • Vacuum 
  • Cleaning Products
  • Several Meals that have filled her freezer
  • Bible and Jesus Calling Devotinal

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