Friday, March 22, 2013


Our second drop was for a young teen mom and her 5 year old son.  "Shelby" has been working with The Family Tree and going through a work study program to support herself and her son.  We ran into a few glitches during this drop, but we were still able to bless Shelby with furniture and even some clothes for her son.

The first glitch was getting the mattress for Shelby's bed, but God provided!  Then, on our way, Brandy contacted the case worker who was having trouble getting in touch Shelby.  We pulled all of our vehicles over and waited to see what the plan would be.

We finally got the go-ahead to head out to Shelby's house and the case worker would meet us there.

So, off we went! 

When we got there, it was clear that Shelby was not going to meet us. She had a job interview and was at school.  For those of us who had been on Jane's drop it was a little disappointing that we weren't able to meet Shelby, but the case worker assured us that this will probably be more of the "norm" than Jane.

At first we weren't sure what to do with all of the furniture that we had brought for Shelby and her son.  We lucked out when her neighbor and her brother showed up and were able to get in touch with Shelby.  The case worker managed to talk her in to letting the neighbor let us drop the big items in the backyard and her brother brought the linens and smaller items into the house before he left for work.

Once we got started, the drop went quickly.

Although this drop had a much different feel than the first one, we still know that God's Hand was at work through the entire process.  We, as a team, have learned a lot and are continuing to grow into a more cohesive group.  And, our passion for our community and especially these women continues to grow!

A big thank you again to all who have contributed.  We could not have done any of this without your support, your prayers, and your donations.  Thank you!

The Crew!

Here is a list of the items we were able to leave for Shelby and her son:
  • Sofa
  • Two Chairs
  • End Table
  • Lamp
  • Bed Linens for both mama and son
  • Bath Towels, Hand Towels, and Washcloths
  • Book Shelf
  • TV Trays
  • 2 Kitchen Chairs
  • Bed Pillows
  • Clothes for her son

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